Indulge in Life..

Why is it that we always live in fear?? fear of getting old, fear of getting fat, fear of falling from planes?? Why is it that we are always scared of getting wrinkles?? Scared of getting swine flu?? Scared of delivering our worst in relationships?? Scared of failing at our jobs…

But the most horrifying of all fears is being judged by the people around us..We are frightened to death of being commented by our friends on our wardrobes, or people being judgemental about our behaviours…And we are always also petrified of failing to meet our very own self –imposed standards of perfection..

No doubt it’s a war of minds and which genre of community we fit in, determines how well off we think,.. but hell its so bad to constantly live in these fears.. fear of everything we think of: all the way from UV ray emission to fat cheesy burgers…

You know what, all this should hardly matter at all, actually it makes little sense even thinking about it.. we have dwelled ourselves in a niche which is so overwhelmingly strong, that its almost impossible for an escape from this cocoon…But if we see the big picture, we should not be living like this at all…

It shouldn’t matter if our drawing rooms don’t have the most happening shades of beige, or our living rooms don’t have home theatres, or even if our clothes never pass the scrutiny of fashion police..or even that we are five kilos above the ideal weight according to BMI…It shouldn’t matter if your neighbours have a nice big car, or your friends have an i-phone and a PSP..or even if they go out on big vacations twice in a year to luxury hot-spots…or indulge in adventurous sports, and live on spas and barge in vintage shampagne.. while you can only afford rum punch..

Even if some or all of the above is true for you, even if you could relate a lil bit to the above said, then you don’t have to live in fear of being judged.You don’t need to be terrified of being perceived as inadequate . And you really don’t need to be scared that you can never measure up…

I have just one thing to say...happiness lies within, and its how we perceive it...its more important to enjoy what life has to offer rather than have grudges or torment yourself from what it has withheld from you..Its much more empowering to live in the moment than to live in fear , thinking what future has to bring for you..And its interestingly more fun to indulge yourself than to suffer a life of self-deprivation…

Ther is a reason why drew barrymore or jessica alba look the way they do, coz they spend a fortune on cosmetic surgeries ..You cant get that honed look on your face unles you are some sort of a genetic freak... So next tym you go out to barista, do order for yourself one chocolate excess brownie with that extra chocolate sauce...coz u know now that you need want to...Okay , ermm…so its not a prescription for a perfect life, but certainly an inspiration to be happier just let go and live to the fullest..


  1. I agree and disagree simultaneously...
    It may seem as if we live in fear... but if you look at the bright side of these various fear factors... sometimes these are the ones which actually drive your passion...
    On the contrary...
    You are right in saying that we should actually live JLT... only then we will be free from all worries...

    [b]बेपरवाह होके हम जिए... ख्वामखाह क्यूँ जिए न हम...[/b]


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