celebrating V-day with Sri Ram Sena...

Today its a pub, tomorrow it would be d front staircase of your house, they will cum and they will slap you....
Yes um talking about the self appointed custodians of Indian culture, m talking of members of Sri Ram Sena who allegedly beat up women in a Mangalore pub....
This shows a very ugly expression of humanity, a slap in d face of fundamentalism, a blow off to what we call liberalization of ones thoughts....
There are two questions indeed dat boggle my head of late...One , what is Indian culture??? Is beating up of women indian culture by any chance??? Second, why is it that men in India are given social prieleges like peeing anywhere they want, or move and roam around shirtless acoording to their will or maybe get drunk in bars...spit on roads, beat up women...???
I fail to understand, why is it that only by not celebrating valentines day would i entail to be called a true Indian...or maybe,,.. by not wearing western clothes and not talking in western lingo, do i satisfy the yardstick of being measured traditional and a follower of my culture!!!

As we all read the headlines in the newspapers, how Pramod Muthalik, the chief of Sri Ram Sena celebrated his V-Day, deep buried under a mountain of pink chaddis, it became crystal care, how the youth of the nation is awakening,…

After this incidence, Muthalik was known length and breadth, and every daily and magazine carried his picture,…from a non entity , he became a celebrity overnight…
What a propaganda gimmick …huh….
The reason why India has always stood a secular and a multi cultural society ,while countries like Pakistan and Sri Lanka have fallen prey to ethnic and religious divides, is due to the flexibility of Hindu religion and culture,,..
It’s the way we react to such incidents, be it the Jessica Lal murder case, or the katara case, and now the pink chaddi campaign, ..No violent agitations, peaceful demonstrations like candle marches, and so on…they have become our weapons…
Well for the people who have eyes but don’t have vision, for those who know just the power of fear that they wana instill in us, they dunt knw d power of youth!!!The power of youth which is young, and fragile, but strong and determinant, its deep sensitive and tolerant,…
It’s a very short road from beating up women for visiting pubs and beheading them for wearing skirts, and lets keep this road closed forever!!!


  1. its an interesting read and well written as well...
    although a little skewed to be on the girl's side; but then whose not???



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